To improve your user experience and to make the most efficient use of our website we use ‘Cookie’. If you wouldn’t prefer the ‘Cookie’ usage you can either erase the Cookie from the settings part of your device or you can block it. But we should remind you that this may affect the usage of our website. It would be deemed that you have accepted the usage of Cookie for this website unless you haven’t changed the Cookie settings of your device. Regulations concerning the data collected are available on the Privacy Policy link on our website.
The other major type of cookie is called a ‘Session Cookie’. While you are visiting the website the ‘Session Cookie’ toggles between your computer and the server to access information. The session cookies would disappear once you turn off your browser. For further information regarding Cookies please visit
The Cookies that CNK Broker specially use on this websites (the storage period of the cookie is indicated in the parentheses after the name of the cookie):
ASPXROLES (session): It is the cookie which is used to store the task names of the users who log in. It is used to learn to which task the logged user belongs to. It is used only for the websites with a password protected area.
ASPXAUTH (session): It is used for the authentication of the user after logged in. It is used only for the websites with a password protected area.
EPiServerLogin (session): It is used to identify the user who logs in. It is used to verify which user has logged in. It is used only for the websites with a password protected area.
Backgroundlmagelndex (session): It is used to set the initial image in the slideshow for the reference starting page.
ASP.NET_Sessionald (session): ASP.NET uses this cookie to identify the requests for a particular session. This cookie enables to remember and distinguish the users from each other. . It is used only for the websites with a password protected area.
Accountlndex (1 year): It is used to keep the track of the active account. It is used only in the websites with an effective internal virtual store. In addition to this we allow certain third parties to create third party cookies and to access these on this website. Below you may find these:
Google Analytics
The following cookies are placed to keep daily information on the visits to the website and to related visitors by our web statistical tool Google Analytics.
The statistics are used in order to improve the user experience of the website:
_utma (2 years)
_utmz (6 months)
_utmc (session)
_utmb (30 minutes)
AddThis buttons provides ability to easily share the content with other people via social network, e-mail or by adding to favorites for the website owners. The buttons provide statistical information regarding bookmarking and users’ sharing activities and helps the users to chat about the websites for the ratings and upgrading the ranks. AddThis is a ClearSpring Technologies company. For further information please visit .
Social Media Widgets
Website users can use the social media widgets to enable the various social platforms (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn etc.) with the contents in our website. Please check the privacy policy of the related social platform to get information about which information has been collected and which cookies have been replaced by third parties.
If you don’t want to accept the Cookies you should set your browser either to automatically reject the storage of cookies or to ask for preliminary approval each time a website would like to place a cookie. It is possible to erase the previously placed cookies on your browser. Please check the help link of your browser for detailed information. But please note that some areas on this website and some features of the website are based on the Cookies therefore if you erase or disabled the Cookies the website may not work properly.
For further information regarding the Cookies that are used by the website you may contact us at